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States & Society

Spring 2023

Georgetown University

Graduate Level


Selected Students' Comments:

As a first year you are riddled with anxiety and insecurities but his class was the first one I felt comfortable speaking up and sharing my thoughts. it was ok to be wrong because he would guide you to the correct answer.


Latin American Government and Politics

Spring 2023


Georgetown University


Undergraduate Level​


Selected Students' Comments:


By far the most well–structured class I've been in at Georgetown. Syllabus and all class documents were so very well structured.

Introduction to Comparative Politics

Summer 2020



Undergraduate Level​


Selected Students' Comments:


Strengths include knowledge about subject and passion for the course material. It is impressive that he is a student and is so knowledgable. Definitely helped when I went to office hours.

Department of Political Science  
4272 Bunche Hall Los Angeles, CA 90095

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